Education Centres

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Education Centres

With proven expertise and specialisation in a variety of childcare and early childhood education environments we understand the role. With proven expertise and specialisation in a variety of childcare and early childhood education environments we understand the role and responsibility of a cleaning service partner for organisations such as yours. The first step to creating a germ and toxin free childcare facility is to clean. Cleaning removes dirt and other grime from surfaces. All surfaces, including windows, carpets, glass, doorknobs, bathrooms and toys should be scrubbed, washed and rinsed.


Dirt can prevent sanitizers and disinfectants from working properly, so it is critical that all dirt is removed in this step. A mild detergent and water solution is best; avoid cleaning detergents with lots of chemicals. Green cleaning solutions are the best; they have less effect on human health and the environment than non-green alternatives.

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